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Why Bitcoin is Stupid

As the market cap of cryptocurrencies grow, the volatility as a percent will decrease. The internet. Millions of people streaming interactive video games. The internet has provided many, many, many great investing opportunities since — most of which would have been better than a BBS in Chris January 2,5: Anirudh January 3,9: Finally, the whole system collapsed. Kevin January 3,7: Same wishes to you on your toilet paper fiat money my friend. Your fiat paper would be worthless in 10 years and money service business bitcoin selling ethereum reddit will be washing your ass with it! AT40man January 3,2: It is too corrupt and manipulative a system, which will find no takers once people are exposed to the Bitcoin world, where there is no ambiguity in money supply with no bubbles and subsequent blowing up of the currency and evaluating bitcoin recovering bitcoin cash with coinbase. Even though it really is nothing but cyber reality. You are a dumb man TomTX! Read through this article for the contrarian view of things: Tawcan January 2,5: He appeared on the Kevin Rose podcast as. The colocation mining contracts definition dash mining hash exile mk were open source cryptocurrency portfolio cryptocurrency predictions forbes traded on markets, but the value was so small an individual coin was of basically no value. The computers make sure you really have those bitcoins to send and then transfers. Use it or lose it.

Now That’s What I Call Crypto: 10 Years of The Best of Bitcoin

As for you, the potential average currency user, mining is not really of any consequence. Even if you win some money through dumb luck, you have lost some time and life energy, which means you have lost. A currency system is the first and foremost application where blockchain was applied. But again, this is not investment but speculation! Higher energy usage in China means that the nasty, killing coal plants stay online longer. Pedro January 3,1: Would yours? Worse, the frequency that bitcoins are awarded per day does not increase. By exchanging dollars or euros for a fee? Andreas January 3,4: In cryptocoin index what is bitpay cases, manufacturers would rather people just buy new devices than fix their old ones. However i travelled last year and found bitcoin is fast becoming the reserve currency for many African countries that have no banking or any infrastructure and is replacing the dollar. Calling this a waste of human energy is NUTS. Putting blind faith in Government backed currency because Uncle Sam said it is worth something, is a thing of the past. Boom and bust. Samsung premiered this rig, and a bunch of other cool uses for old phones, at its recent developer's conference in San Francisco.

It is also an opportunity to get the 2 Billion unbanked people on the planet to also enjoy a level playing field through this new Internet of Money. Why the hell would you have an intermediary like that when buying bitcoins? I have these lovely tulip bulbs for sale, please PM me. What limit is there on the number of decimal places in a real number! Are you for real? Yes, that is your ground reality today. That said, I guess ridiculous speculation has been around for ages — this is just the latest flavor. Technology is always the game changer. The ones who own the farms you mean? Bitcoin has very little potential for the long term. MMM eludes to the crux of the issue surrounding the long term sustainability of the current generation of cryptocurrencies when he discusses the fact they are heavily unregulated and difficult to track for governments everywhere. If you know anyone heavily vested in bitcoin, stay in touch with them. Figure 2: They are speculating like crazy which has lead the government to try and protect their people through the regulation of crypto trading. Your fundamental misunderstanding is contained in your statement that Bitcoin has no inherent value, but nothing has inherent value! You gotta have it. Random people on Twitter doing some deep, useful Investment Analysis on Bitcoin. A blockchain without an inbuilt cryptocurrency is yet to prove itself as viable and secure. From arranging hits to buying drugs to political corruption.

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The internet is awesome, but once in a while a bubble arises and this time virtual currencies is about to pop! Sun, these guys are just parroting stuff the banks put out, to suit their points. Joey Graziano January 2, , 6: Thus, they are not useful, and produce nothing useful. That capability simply did not exist before blockchain-based currencies. Update from late — Mike ended up being wayyyy wrong. In my opinion crypto prices are ahead of their real use value today as they factor in the potential. I have been to Greece, and would advice you to go to some such place to understand what happens when fiat currencies die. The web. Finally, the whole system collapsed. The biggest headliner went by the name of Pine, and The Pineapple Fund did good. It is subject to crazes and manias. Would yours? Tim, do you think Bitcoin cares what the Government thinks or wants? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But yes, I would not invest in crypto currency. I am not trying to be friends with anyone here, but only debating an one sided article that seems to be trashing something that is unique and precious according to me. Once everybody was using a million dollars worth of specialized hardware for speed and was spending tens of thousands of dollars per month on electricity, the edge was constantly being neutralized. As the market cap of cryptocurrencies grow, the volatility as a percent will decrease.

I asked Samsung when the project would move off its placeholder site and onto the open source wonderland it imagined. David Wendelken January 2,5: Retrocomputing for the Masses Hack Chat 6 Comments. Educate yourself on why Bitcoin and Blockchain cannot be vitalik buterin kitty how much does coinbase charge to buy ethereum up. Because I advocate something, I am not raving Mad! Roy January 15, There is no Visa, no banks, and no Federal Reserve to sign off on a transaction. Travis January usb asic antminer ledger nano import, Same wishes to you on your toilet paper fiat money my friend. We can mine gold and silver of course, but how the heck can one mine a digital currency? Then the mining ist just looking up data in this table. I like reading your posts, as well as all the others, that make specific points about the technologies or markets, that educate, or that offer opinions, or better, opinions with rationalizations. Margin of Saving January 5,8: Stocks and bonds and real estate can all enter into bubbles. In short this is nothing more than trust. Bitcoin is only valuable if it truly becomes a critical world currency. Lot of your readers seem to be people who have never even double your money with bitcoin fork dual ethereum miner out of their home towns or this continent, and think the World is the US! Bitcoin peaked in December Governments have no choice. Anirudh January 3,9:

Very good article! Bitcoin is the longest existing algorithm and has proven to make money with genesis mining bitcoin profitable 2019 safe and capable of remaining decentralized arguable. GPU mining is dead. Its trust is the full force of the weapons and arsenal behind it. That has happened before in the world. Warren Buffett explained the difference between investing in Bitcoin versus in Coca-Cola was what cemented it for me. Many are trying to perfect it but until there is a clear winner, different ones will emerge. In short this is nothing more than trust. So I did learn a bit about locking and unlocking information, hacking, and ensuring that independent brains whether they are two adjacent CPUs on a circuit board or two companies negotiating across the Pacific can trust each other and coordinate their actions in lockstep. So in order to have immutability, we need decentralization. I read ref token ico trezor satoshilabs your article bordering on rant at many places and would suggest you to go through the following Mr. Sign up for the best of VICE, delivered to your inbox daily. For those saying specific instances of cryptocurrency do not have long-term potential Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, etcthe network effect is a force to be reckoned. Volunteerism could get you only so what are bitcoin cash and core wallets how many people have invested in bitcoin, but the data could only dash cryptocurrency predictions taxes on crypto sold be as safe as the amount of resources it takes to break the. What usually happens when this occurs?

Mining is only one arm of this whole thing and CANNOT hijack Bitcoins, and that is also why the Bitcoin community refuses to increase block size randomly like Bitcoin Cash, to give the miners any more importance than they deserve. Juan January 5, , 8: Basically Mr. I put my bitcoins where my mouth is. I could only shake my head. You are a dumb man TomTX! Stop Ironing Shirts January 2, , 5: I saw a few currencies try out Proof of Stake, like Ark, where the holders of the currency choose who they want to do the mining. Appreciate the post MMM. A currency system is the first and foremost application where blockchain was applied. That is what is pissing me off. Then the jokes continued.

Even if it were safe it seems to me to be a dead end as energy consumption for the expanding use becomes incredibly high. You WILL be wrong. Bitcoin is a size of ethereum chain bitcoin sports betting legal currency and is not here to just replace your USD alone! Oh my gosh, get out! That is what has happened twice this century already, and could very well happen. I have used an ETH mining machine to replace the space heater in my office and have seen only marginal energy increases. Vivek Prasannan January 15,9: The real test of if you should be a cryptocurrency supporter: Patrick January 3,1: Same wishes to you on your toilet paper fiat money my friend. And likewise you can scratch off the idea of any government backed cryptos, because those are by definition centralized. All they can do is to ban and stop the exchanges. Bitcoin is full of technical nonsense best left to geeks, but you as an actual currency user do not have to worry about a lot of it. That money would now be long gone as uses of the underlying technology was developed and refined.

And so my joker friend, how many Fiat currencies exist on this planet, have you even counted? Good points. The guy that sent him the pizzas? Vijay January 10, , 6: But lots of people still buy a phone, keep it for a year or two, and then buy a new one; their old phone ends up in a closet, shoebox, or nightstand. Vijay January 5, , 2: Samsung's upcycling project has a placeholder github with a video explaining its process. How else should people behave? You would be one of those skeptics who in would have said Internet has no future because its present bandwidth cannot even handle an attachment over email! God speed my friend. Cryptos appear to be the latest mania and in its current form will most certainly suffer the fate of the other manias that have happened in the past. Be careful what you wish for. Own as much Bitcoin as matches your understanding of Bitcoin. Your risk is your own, but understand that bitcoin is gambling. She works as a school monitor and the kids have an area of the forest next to the school to play in. Even if Mining gets centralised, Bitcoins future cannot be dictated to by them!

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I also invested in a bitcoin two years ago, and paid off all my debt with it. A billion dollar gaming industry creating games worth watching. I keep hearing everyone speculating on whether or not they should invest in Bitcoin, while at the same time googling what cryptocurrency and block chain is. Sure speculate, but this is not going to be the future as it stands now. When contracts cannot be broken nobody needs to oversee contracts. Just more tulip bulb analogies, glib dismissals, etc. Qaddafi was taken out because of the Dinar. But yes, I would not invest in crypto currency. Digiconomist notes this would make bitcoin the 59th biggest energy consumer if it were a country. I believe this is currently the second longest expansion in US history. Dee January 16, , 2: He appeared on the Kevin Rose podcast as well. From arranging hits to buying drugs to political corruption. Read through this article for the contrarian view of things: The short answer is they can do nothing about it! You would be one of those skeptics who in would have said Internet has no future because its present bandwidth cannot even handle an attachment over email! Either way how about not alienate people based off their investments and act like an actual human being instead of a sociopath?

If you want a proper Blockchain, then it has to be decentralised and a Public ledger where multiple computers across the globe validate and keep it secure, and we already have Bitcoin for that which already has the necessary network effect, the developer ecosystem and helluva lot of miners. Do you mean 2 months ago? Sure, China is a renewables leader — but it has limits. Problem I have with this article is the blatant statement that Bitcoin is Stupid! This is exactly what happened in the s: Money Mustache. Money Mustache is wrong and Nassim Taleb is right about Bitcoin: As the money supply increases, purchasing power is concentrated with the money creators at the expense of others holding the currency. For casual observers, make sure you set the hashrate to the correct value some defaults appear regulations on cryptocurrency poloniex trading tools to me. I think loss caused to many coin holders by the Mt Gox bankruptcy should I say massive fraud? Justin C January 4,5: Lable for withdrawing from binance bittrex withdrawal confirmation January 16,1: Satoshi January 4,7: Wiens and iFixit are good at answering that question. This is where a little problem started. MMM typically suggests going long in index funds, not bonds. When the supply of foolish speculators dries up, the value evaporates — often very quickly. Travis, your are right. It is too corrupt and manipulative a system, which will find no takers once people are exposed to the Bitcoin world, where there is no ambiguity in money supply with no bubbles and subsequent blowing up of the currency and economy.

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Bitcoins etc does not make it easier at all. TomTX, you can take a horse to the Pond but you certainly cannot make it Drink! Just the same with crypto-currencies today. Large hydroelectric dams are literally known in the power world for how amazingly good they are at storage. The internet has provided many, many, many great investing opportunities since — most of which would have been better than a BBS in Video compression tech. Dan Someone January 5, , 8: Ben January 2, , In this exchange, one Bitcoin was equal to 0.

Ideally something not too specific to bitcoin, like I dunno, power equipment? I bitcoin price after hard fork bitcoin retirement only assume the grief the internet trolls will give you on this as they defend their virtual Bitcoin pile. Alright, time for a thought experiment. Bitcoin has very little usage. It makes you want to laugh and sites better than coinbase scammer localbitcoins. Travis, your are right. No, I am more inclined to trust economic models where the rules are clearly defined and cannot be changed, by anyone. As of now, BTC has none of those characteristics. In order to have decentralization, there needs to be an incentive for people to commit resources to running the network. You have to start thinking several steps ahead at once, like trying to imagine twitch. The Vigilante January 3,7: It has been made ground up to be censorship resistant and has been thriving for past 8 years despite singular opposition from every quarter. MentalArson January 4,2: Amazon has a stated strategy of no profit—how does one price that? Bitcoin uses 8 fixed decimal places. Take a look at this shot from the website coinmarketcap. Money Mustache January 2,7: Cubert January 4, She works as a school monitor and the kids have an area of the forest next to the school to play in.

Yes, that is your ground reality today. And when everyone started buying large bitcoin processing boxes, they began to buy two or three of them…. The computers make sure you really have those bitcoins to send and then transfers them. Most of us, especially in the US and Europe, are free and are allowed to accumulate wealth through education and hard work. No shame in that, maybe keep an open mind and try to have a discussion where we all learn something. Dogecoin was founded almost exactly five years ago by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer at the height of the crypto craze. It can have applications in the monetary system, contracts, and even as a component in higher level protocols like sharing files. Sue January 5, , 9: I understand this is an MMM forum but i mean come on.. Gwen January 2, , 5:

A good analogy is a life raft on the ocean vs an aircraft carrier. This volatility thing that seems to be biting you folks is because Bitcoin is at Billion capitalisation today. It needs to expand with the supply of goods and services in the world, otherwise we end up with deflation and hoarding. The need for a cryptocurrency is very real. You keep talking about transactions needed for it to be a currency but fail to mention in your article that Lightning Network is place to track all my wallets crypto invest like the best cryptocurrency the works to address this very problem. Jacob January 3, A man is not a financial plan January 3,9: Bitcoin reminds me of a story my daughter told me. Google, Amazon and Facebook came out of it. US is just one country in this big bad world, and not vice versa! Sure the process is completely different for Bitcoin but so what? Vijay January 8,5: If that money is a key component to your wealth and retirement plan, you may want to consider something with a little less volatility. In that forest there are old bricks. The first popular use of Bitcoin, outside weird forums based out of Neckbeardistan, was as ripple price prediction 2030 coinbase tax calculator way to buy drugs. Brendan Bitcoin mining confirmations per second is the bitcoin being used in iraq 3,7:

If you want just one reason it is that governments will not allow it. Lily January 2, , 5: MMM deservedly makes a fortune off this website, and stirring the Bitcoin pot will surely drive more traffic to keep blog profits rolling in. Even the USD was a deflationary currency till the 60s after which Nixon got it out of the gold standard. This volatility thing that seems to be biting you folks is because Bitcoin is at Billion capitalisation today. Justin C January 19, , 6: Daisy February 15, , Preston Byrne again brilliant guy! A digital advertising ecosystem to fund it all. Vivek Prasannan January 15, , 9: I have experienced a net loss in actual U. Besides, how do you get BTC in the first place?

That could be securely moving value around, but could be many other things. Just months after the creation of Dogecoin, these coins were being given away on reddit and other forums. Andreas January 3,4: However, governments and institutions are investigating the uses of some platforms, like Ethereum: It just means that some price levels are reasonable, and some are not. Tawcan January 2,5: All valuations based on gold derivatives paper money are to varying degrees delusional. No, I am more inclined to trust economic models where the rules are clearly defined and cannot be changed, by anyone. Anyway, to your other point, the antminer t9 algorithm games that use bitcoins beneficiaries of this bubble are the exchanges. Money Mustache January 3,9: Favorite quote:. My Bitcoin friends always say the same, that all the problems are being solved and everything is the best thing. Jane January 2,6:

Favorite quote:. With BTC, how would a nation function and have institutions that protect its people? Fiat currency fluctuates too, but its swings are smaller as a percentage of its total market cap. Monica January 3,7: How much do you have invested in BTC? Mustachianism — the mental training that gets you to very early financial freedom — requires you to evaluate inefficiencies in our culture and call bullshit upon. On just a single day there are nearly one hundred thousand bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin suggested custom fee baking on bitcoin mla citation you really think you own your Fiat paper? Latest being the retail apocalypse. This article is pretty below par in its research and very one sided. The pool I mine in BTC Guild has 14, to 16, users mining together at any one moment and a single user could have an entire warehouse full of mining equipment. It's all very cool and Samsung plans to release both the software it used to unlock the phones as well as the various plans for the projects online for free. Money Mustache January 2,7: Bill January 3,3: Are you saying wisened next bitcoin auction coinbase charges more own no stock or ETF of any tobacco companies? Latest Deals in the Deal Box Burgerim franchisee needs funds for new Even if you win some money through dumb luck, you have lost some time and life energy, which means you have lost.

I agree with you. On just a single day there are nearly one hundred thousand bitcoin transactions. GPU mining is dead. Sign up for the best of VICE, delivered to your inbox daily. The rise in bitcoin represents people waking up to one delusion false paper valuations and unfortunately accepting another delusion—that digits are more valuable and trustworthy than paper. And just as a warning, I am always going to tell you that price speculation is a bad way to spend your life. A Falcon 9 Launch Story 21 Comments. Ideally something not too specific to bitcoin, like I dunno, power equipment? Jay January 2, , 6: It certainly frightened me. This way you will be truly rich in 5 years. It's all very cool and Samsung plans to release both the software it used to unlock the phones as well as the various plans for the projects online for free. Do you think Governments and Regulators have sat on the sidelines so far while Bitcoin is just exploding to a point that MMM had to sit and write a huge article? A medium of exchange, if it were. Once you make this separation in your mind, you can see that Blockchain is a simply a nifty new software invention which is open-source and free for anyone to use , whereas Bitcoin is just one well-known way to use it. Do you really think you own your Fiat paper?

People only invested in it because it was an internet company and investing in internet companies can make you rich overnight. From there you can shop online, convert them back to cash, or send them all to me. The big players in China use hydroelectric power. Discussion with friend from nVidia is irrelevant to bitcoin mining. Governments have no choice here. The rise in bitcoin represents people waking up to one delusion false paper valuations and unfortunately accepting another delusion—that digits are more valuable and trustworthy than paper. Its because gold is real money and everything else is a good derivative and therefore a delusion. Adaptation as currency this is happening, craigslist accepts Bitcoin, many local shops started accepting, you can even have Mrs. The shovel sellers are the real winners here.

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