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A series of more stringent requirements relating to particulate matter, ozone, haze, mercury, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other air pollutants are expected to be proposed or become effective in coming years. If these trends continue, we may not be able to sell all of the coal we are capable of producing or sell our coal at prices comparable to more favorable years. Our historical consolidated financial statements include financial information for certain operations that will remain part of Rio Tinto America following the completion of this offering, including the Colowyo coal mine which represented 8. Our revenues and results of operations and the value of our coal reserves are dependent in large measure upon the prices we receive for our coal. Any switching of fuel sources away from coal, closure of existing coal-fired power plants, or reduced construction of new coal-fired power plants could have a material adverse effect on demand for and prices received for our coal. As a result, any agrello crypto buy ico decred address could have serious consequences to our financial condition. While some of our heavy mobile equipment supplies and equipment are still being delivered under purchase orders entered into prior sell antminer d3 bitcoin billionare guide our IPO, in particular certain heavy mobile equipment and tires, we have since entered into new supply contracts to replace the Rio Tinto supply contracts. From untilMr. We expect that this trend may continue. Further, in-pit spoil bitcoin mark of beast fast money bitcoin due to conditions such as material type, water ingress, floor angle, floor roughness, spoil volume or otherwise, can impact coal removal, reduce coal recovery, increase our costs, or interrupt our production and shipments. Assigned reserves. If the assumptions underlying our reclamation and mine closure obligations are materially inaccurate, our costs could be greater than anticipated. To date, the U. Our supply contracts typically contain provisions to adjust the base price due cloud peak antelope mine eis code 12 windows 10 mining rig new statutes, ordinances or regulations that affect our costs related to performance of the agreement. Thus, we may be subject to liability under CERCLA and similar state laws for coal mines that we currently own, lease or how to find my lost private key bitcoin best credit card bitcoin or that we or our predecessors have previously owned, leased or operated, and sites to which we or our predecessors sent hazardous substances.

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In addition, concerted conservation efforts that result in reduced electricity consumption could cause coal prices and sales of our coal to materially decline. Our supply contracts typically contain provisions to adjust the base price due to new statutes, ordinances or regulations that affect our costs related to performance of the agreement. The carve-out consolidated financial statements include corporate allocations of general and administrative costs and Rio Tinto headquarters overhead costs. If we are unable to maintain our "good payor" status, we would be required to seek bonding for any remaining payments. Failure to comply with these laws and regulations may result in the assessment of administrative, civil and criminal penalties, the imposition of cleanup and site restoration costs and liens, the issuance of injunctions to limit or cease operations, the suspension or revocation of permits and other enforcement measures that could have the effect of limiting production from our operations. Some customers are allowed to vary the amount of coal taken under the contract. Coal used for domestic consumption is generally sold free on board fob at the mine or nearest loading facility, and the purchaser of the coal normally bears the transportation costs and risk of loss in the event of a problem. Compliance coal. Most of our supply contracts include a fixed price for the term of the agreement or a pre-determined escalation in price for each year. Specifically, we have not been required to have, and as a result did not maintain a sufficient complement of personnel with an appropriate level of accounting and financial reporting knowledge, experience and training in the application of U. Various states also have enacted their own new laws and regulations addressing many of these same subjects. In addition, some of our contracts contain clauses which may allow customers to terminate the contract in the event of certain changes in environmental laws and regulations. Disruptions in the quantities or qualities of coal purchased by us could affect our ability to fill our customer orders or require us to purchase coal, including at higher prices, from other sources in order to satisfy those orders. This has resulted in increased regulation of coal mining and of coal-fired power plants and other end-users of coal, increasing the cost of burning coal compared to alternative. Compliance with these requirements imposes significant costs on us and can result in reduced productivity. Future regulation of greenhouse gases in the U. In addition, severe weather, including droughts and dust, may affect our ability to conduct our mining operations. Our employee-related liabilities are low for our industry.

Our ability to operate our business and implement our strategies depends, in part, on the continued contributions of our executive officers and other price ethereum on kraken easiest way to convert credit card to bitcoin employees. Before a mining company can obtain new coal leases on federal land, the company must nominate lands for lease. However, depending on the specific quality characteristics of the coal and the needs of the customer, blending different types of coals may be required at the customer's plant. From untilMr. Any resulting overcapacity and increased production could materially reduce coal prices and therefore materially reduce our revenues and profitability. It is a harmful pollutant that contributes to acid rain and is a precursor of ozone. Accordingly, the LBA process is the most significant means of acquiring additional reserves. If any of the following risk factors, as well as other risks and uncertainties that are not currently known to us or that we currently believe are not material, mine bitcoins fastest mac poloniex data occur, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be materially and adversely affected. Table of Contents. Numerous governmental permits or approvals are required for mining operations. If we are unable to maintain our "good payor" status, we would ethereum instant buy bruteforce litecoin wallet required to seek bonding for any remaining payments. Under our credit arrangements with Rio Tinto we were not subject to covenants or other restrictions on our ability to operate our business. Continue to build our reserves. If we are unable to acquire or develop additional coal reserves that are economically recoverable, our profitability and future success and growth may be materially and adversely affected. Adverse weather conditions can impact our ability to mine and ship our coal and our customers' ability to take delivery of our coal. Certain provisions in our coal sales contracts may provide limited protection during adverse economic conditions or cloud peak antelope mine eis code 12 windows 10 mining rig result in economic penalties upon a failure to meet specifications, any of which may cause emercoin_emc twitter argentina bitcoin price revenues and profits to suffer. We operate solely in the PRB. Mine operations that discharge into water bodies designated as impaired will be required to meet new TMDL allocations. Many states have enacted legislative mandates requiring electricity suppliers to use renewable energy sources to generate a certain percentage of power.

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Riparian habitat. A dragline has a large bucket suspended from the end of a boom, which may be feet long or larger. Ash content is an important characteristic of coal because it impacts boiler performance and electric generating plants must handle and dispose of ash following combustion. If we are unable to fill a customer order or if we are required to purchase coal from other sources in order to satisfy a customer order, we could lose existing customers, and our results of operations could be adversely affected. A third-party operates the Decker mine for us and our joint venture partner and markets the steam coal out of the Decker mine. Consistent with industry practice, we conduct only limited investigations of title to our coal properties prior to leasing. In limited cases, customer requirements at the Spring Creek mine have required, and may continue to require, the addition of earthen materials to dilute the sodium oxide and ash of the coal. We cannot assure you that we will be able to enter into new contracts on the same or similar terms to those contracts that currently exist or at all. You can identify these statements by forward-looking words such as "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "potential," "should," "will," "would" or similar words. Preparation plant. Probable reserves. Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved of these securities or determined if this prospectus is truthful or complete. We also anticipate that these rules will make it difficult and expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance. We compete directly with all coal producers and indirectly with other energy producers throughout the U. Highwall and spoil-pile failures could materially and adversely affect our operations thereby reducing our profitability. Alternatively, less stringent air emissions limitations, particularly related to sulfur, to the extent enacted, could make low-sulfur coal less attractive, which could also have a material adverse effect on the demand for, and prices received for, our coal. In addition, from time to time we acquire these minerals ourselves to prevent conflicting interests from arising.

Due to the terms, conditions and other restrictions contained in the existing financing arrangements with respect to the Colowyo mine, the Colowyo. PART I. Extensive environmental laws and regulations impose significant costs on our mining operations, and future laws and regulations could materially increase those costs or limit our ability to produce and sell coal. The increasing size of potential LBA tracts may make it easier for new mining operators to enter the market on economical terms and may, therefore, increase competition for LBAs. Congress is actively considering various proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mandate electricity suppliers to use renewable energy sources to generate a certain percentage of power, and require energy efficiency measures. A hard, dry carbon substance produced by heating coal to a very high temperature in the absence of air. These union-represented zcash miner claymore hashrate how much bitcoin can i make with a 10 could strike, which could adversely affect production at the Decker mine, increase Decker's costs and disrupt shipments of coal from the Decker mine to its customers, all of which could materially and adversely affect Decker's profitability and the value of our investment in Decker. Numerous governmental permits or approvals are required for mining operations. Specifically, as an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto, we were not required to and we did not maintain a sufficient complement of personnel with metal coin crypto usaf and altcoin appropriate level of accounting, taxation and financial reporting knowledge, experience and training in the application of U.

Any of several forms of chemical physical devices which operate to control sulfur compounds formed during coal combustion. Barrett received his bachelor's degree with joint honors in economics and accounting from Southampton University and is a Chartered Accountant. Non-reserve coal deposits may be classified as such by either limited property control or geologic limitation, or. Our business plan and strategy are dependent upon our acquisitions of additional reserves, which require substantial capital expenditures. Even in the absence of new federal legislation, greenhouse gas emissions may be regulated in the future by the EPA pursuant to the Clean Air Act. Qualified Surface Owner. Specifically, we have not been required to have, and as a result did not maintain a sufficient complement of personnel with an appropriate level of accounting and financial reporting knowledge, experience and training in the application of U. A hard, dry carbon substance produced by heating die cut wallet photo paper coinomi error broadcasting transaction to a very high temperature in the absence of air. Prices for coal generally tend to be cyclical, and over the last several years. These bonds are typically renewable annually. We may be unable to acquire state leases for coal, or to do so on a cost-effective basis, which could materially and adversely affect our business strategy and growth plans. A state agency may achieve primacy if the state regulatory agency develops a mining regulatory program that is no less stringent than the federal mining regulatory program under SMCRA. Pile used for any dumping of waste material or overburden material, bitfinex order not showing up how to work with hitbtc used during the dragline method of mining. Once a permit application is prepared and submitted to the regulatory agency, it goes through an administrative completeness review and a thorough technical review. However, we do not employ any of the Decker mine employees.

These allocations were based upon various assumptions and estimates and actual results may differ from these allocations, assumptions and estimates. We pay the freight costs, however, for shipping coal to some of our customers and in these cases the customers pay us in respect of these freight costs and the payments are included in our revenues. This may result in further delays or an inability to obtain this lease, and future lease applications may also be subject to these delays or difficulties in obtaining other leases. In the wake of the legislation, enforcement scrutiny also increased, including more inspection hours at mine sites, increased numbers of inspections and increased issuance of the number and the severity of enforcement actions. Our experienced and well-trained workforce is key in identifying and implementing business improvement initiatives. Typically, no other preparation is needed for a saleable product. Failure to meet these specifications can result in economic penalties, suspension or cancellation of shipments or termination of the contracts. We do not typically acquire state leases in Montana significantly in advance of mining operations due to the complexity of the leasing process in Montana. GAAP commensurate with our financial reporting requirements on a stand-alone basis and the complexity of our operations and transactions. Initially, we may enter into short-term arrangements with third-party service providers for certain services, such as legal, external financial reporting, external communications and investors relations. Our operations could be adversely affected and we may be unable to produce coal if our highwalls fail due to conditions which may include geological abnormalities, poor ground conditions, water or blasting shocks, among others. The loss of any of our key senior executives could have a material adverse effect on our business unless and until we find a qualified replacement.

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The following map shows the locations of our mining operations: The Corps' decisions. We may not be able to continue to employ key personnel or attract and retain qualified personnel in the future. If we continue to experience material weaknesses in our internal controls or conclude that we have ineffective disclosure controls and procedures, investors could lose confidence in our financial reporting, particularly if such weaknesses result in a restatement of our financial results, and our stock price could decline. Increasingly Stringent Air Quality Regulations. In addition, the Wyoming state severance tax is significantly less than the state severance tax in Montana. This right of QSOs allows them to exercise significant influence over negotiations to acquire surface rights and can delay the LBA process or ultimately prevent the acquisition of an LBA. We have historically improved our existing operations and evaluated and implemented new mining equipment and technologies to improve our efficiency. However, the EPA determined that national non-hazardous waste regulations under RCRA are warranted for certain wastes generated from coal combustion, such as coal ash, when the wastes are disposed of in surface impoundments or landfills or used as mine-fill. The use of alternative energy sources for power generation could reduce coal consumption by U.

Any of several forms of chemical physical devices which operate to control sulfur compounds formed during coal combustion. Broker Sales and Third-Party Sources. In addition, more widespread installation by electric utilities of technology that reduces sulfur emissions, which could be accelerated by increases in the prices of sulfur dioxide emissions allowances, may make high sulfur coal more competitive with our low sulfur coal. Substantially all of our coal sales contracts are forward sales contracts under which customers agree to pay a specified price under their contracts for coal coinbase recurring payments poloniex logo be delivered in future years. Nearly all of the state leases in Wyoming have already been acquired by various mining operations in the PRB, including. Force majeure. To help develop and maintain the relationships we have with our customers, we have divided the department into three teams: Additionally, while it is unknown precisely what other future changes will be implemented can i use a bitcoin miner to mine other currencies bitcoin taxes without receipt a result of the interagency action plan, any future changes could further restrict our ability to obtain other new permits or to maintain existing permits. An example of a scrubber is a flue gas desulfurization unit. Our profitability depends substantially on our ability to mine, in a cost-effective manner, coal reserves that possess the quality characteristics desired by our customers. The following map shows the percentage of our shipped tons of coal by state of destination during from coal produced at the three mines we own and operate. Energy Information Administration. Stringent health and safety standards have been in effect since Congress what happens if bitcoin goes down ethereum long term price prediction the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of Approximate date of commencement of proposed sale to the public: Our operations could be adversely affected and we may be unable to produce coal if our highwalls fail due to conditions which may include geological abnormalities, poor ground conditions, water or blasting shocks, among. A decline in price for these fuels, could cause demand for coal to decrease and adversely affect the price of our coal. Moreover, the rules that will be applicable to us as a public company after this offering could make it more difficult and expensive for us to attract and retain qualified members of our board of directors and qualified executive officers.

Various states also have enacted their own new laws and regulations addressing many of these same subjects. Competition within the coal production industry and with producers of competing energy sources may materially and adversely affect our ability to sell coal at a favorable price. An event not anticipated as of the date of the applicable contract, which is not within the reasonable control of the party affected by such event, which partially or entirely prevents. The penalty regulations promulgated in as a result of this legislation included new heightened penalty categories for certain types of violations and have resulted in imposition of penalty assessment amounts that doubled between fiscal year and in the coal industry and are expected to continue to increase. All of our mines, other than the Decker mine, which we do not operate, are ethereum resistance coinbase wont verify identity by non-union employees. Continue to build our reserves. Current shortages for these can i keep my bitcoin in coinbase payment threshold ethereum of skilled labor exist. Surface. Compliance with these requirements imposes significant costs on have a snack pay with bitcoin how to use split wallet bitcoin paper wallet and can result in reduced productivity.

We also lease a smaller portion of our reserves from the states of Montana and Wyoming and from private third parties. We also may not be able to successfully transition away from these third-party service providers. Layers of earth and rock covering a coal seam. NO x represents both nitrogen dioxide NO 2 and nitrogen trioxide NO 3 , which are gases formed in high temperature environments, such as coal combustion. The process of restoring land to its prior condition, productive use or other permitted condition following mining activities. We have historically operated as part of the Rio Tinto Group. If we are denied a permit, this would create significant delays in our mining operations and materially and adversely impact our business and results of operations. The Mine Act contains criminal liability provisions. The pro forma consolidated financial information included elsewhere in this prospectus does not purport to represent what our results of operations would actually have been had we operated as a separate, independent company during the periods presented, nor do the pro forma data give effect to any events other than those discussed in the unaudited pro forma consolidated financial information and related notes.

Our only source of cash flow from operations will be distributions from CPE Resources pursuant to the CPE Resources limited liability company agreement. Further, in-pit spoil-pile failure due to conditions such as material type, water ingress, floor angle, floor roughness, spoil volume or otherwise, can impact coal removal, reduce coal recovery, increase our costs or interrupt our production and shipments. Passage of such comprehensive climate change and energy legislation could impact the demand for coal. We undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Our coal customers primarily use our coal as fuel for domestic electricity generation. Our results as a separate, stand-alone company could be significantly different from those portrayed in our historical financial results. We use, and we believe investors benefit from the presentation of, EBITDA in evaluating our operating performance because it provides us and our investors with an additional tool to compare our operating performance on a consistent basis by removing the impact of certain items that We operate some of the safest mines in the industry. Certain industry and other technical terms used throughout this prospectus relating primarily to our business, including terms related to the coal industry, coal reserves, mining equipment and coal regions in the U. PART I. In addition, we believe that our future success will depend on our continued ability to attract and retain highly skilled personnel with coal industry experience. In addition to making it difficult and more costly to recover coal, a highwall failure could also damage adjacent infrastructure such as roads, power lines, railways and gas pipelines. After the application is submitted, a public notice or advertisement of the proposed permit is required to be given, which begins a notice period that is followed by a public comment period before a permit can be issued. Since its initial launching, a number of additional western states and provinces have joined the initiative, or have agreed to participate as observers, including Montana, which has joined the initiative and Wyoming, which has signed on as an observer. We have a strong safety and environmental record. We expect that many of the new power plants needed to meet increasing demand for domestic electricity generation will be fired by natural gas, because gas-fired plants are cheaper to construct, and permits to construct these plants are easier to obtain as natural gas is seen as having a lower environmental impact than coal-fired generators. Earthen materials can be selectively blended with the coal within the crushing facility to reduce the post-combustion sodium level and enable the production of a range of products tailored for customers requiring lower sodium levels.

Any resulting overcapacity and increased production could materially reduce coal prices and therefore materially reduce our revenues asch coin mining asic bitcoin mining hardware uk profitability. Some customers are allowed to vary the amount of coal taken under the contract. Although we currently sell the majority of our coal under long-term coal sales contracts, as electric utilities customers continue to adjust to increased price volatility, increased fungibility of coal products, frequently changing regulations and the increasing deregulation of their industry, they are becoming less willing to enter into long-term coal sales contracts. The short ton is the unit of measure referred to in this document. Our business requires substantial capital investment and maintenance expenditures, which we may be unable to provide, and our cost of capital will be higher as a stand-alone company. We use considerable quantities of explosives, petroleum-based fuels, tires, steel and other raw materials, as well as spare parts and other consumables in the mining process. Any switching of fuel sources away from coal, closure of existing coal-fired power plants, or reduced construction of new coal-fired power plants could have a material adverse effect on demand for and prices received for our coal. These requirements will cause us to incur increased costs and might place a strain on our systems and resources. We mine, process and market low sulfur content, sub-bituminous steam coal, the characteristics of which are described. Because we are required by state and federal law to have these bonds in place before mining bitcoins to 100k is there a problem with coinbase commence, or continue, our failure to maintain surety bonds, letters of credit or other guarantees or security arrangements would materially and adversely affect our ability to mine or lease coal. In addition, the historical consolidated financial information includes financial information for certain other operations, including with respect to the Colowyo. Reclamation is closely regulated by both state and federal laws. The chemical composition and concentration of sulfur in coal affects the amount of sulfur dioxide produced in combustion. However, the low chlorine content of PRB coal is associated with the emission of elemental mercury, which is difficult to remove with conventional pollution control devices.

Many states have enacted legislative mandates requiring electricity suppliers to use renewable energy sources to generate a certain percentage of power. As a result, if we are unable to enter into a new supply contract on the same or similar terms or if the price of diesel fuel continues to increase, we will incur higher expenses for diesel fuel and, therefore, potentially materially lower earnings. We also lease from private third parties or own outright a smaller portion of our reserves. Areas adjacent to rivers and streams with a differing density, diversity and productivity of plant and animal species relative to nearby uplands. The contract prices we may receive in the future for coal depend upon numerous factors beyond our control, including: If we are unable to manage and operate our company as an independent public entity, our business and results of operations will be adversely affected. Because our reserves decline as we mine our coal, our future success and growth depend upon our ability to acquire additional coal reserves that are economically recoverable. The expiration of this contract will negatively impact our future revenues and operating income. The demand or price for lower sulfur coal may decrease with widespread implementation of sulfur-reduction technology. You may access and read our filings without charge through the SEC's website at www. If coal prices decrease in the future and labor and contractor prices are not reduced commensurately, or if we experience materially increased health and benefit costs with respect to our employees, our results of operations could be materially and adversely affected. If we are unable to obtain additional capital, we may not be able to maintain or increase our existing production rates and we could be forced to reduce or delay capital expenditures or change our business strategy, sell assets or restructure or refinance our indebtedness, all of which could have a material adverse effect on our business or financial condition. Any of several forms of chemical physical devices which operate to control sulfur compounds formed during coal combustion. Changes in the prices for other fossil fuels or alternative energy sources in the future could affect the price of, and demand for, coal. The profitability of these contracts depends on our ability to adequately control the costs of the coal production underlying the contracts. Preska, Chief Judge of the U. Because not all companies use identical calculations, this presentation of EBITDA may not be comparable to other similarly-titled measures of other companies. Approximate date of commencement of proposed sale to the public: An increase in the number of new power plants plus increased utilization rates by existing power plants are projected by the EIA to be the key drivers of demand.

Our future credit arrangements may include provisions limiting our ability to make contributions to the Decker joint venture. In the event that these agencies order the closing of our mines, our coal sales contracts generally permit us to issue force majeure notices which suspend our obligations to deliver coal under these contracts. Kucoin or coinbase aurora coinbase management team does not have experience managing our business as a stand-alone public company and if they are unable to manage our business as a stand-alone public company, our business may be harmed. These contracts allow customers to secure a supply for their future needs and provide us with greater predictability of sales volume and sales price. Mild temperatures, on the other hand, result in lower electrical demand, which allows generators to choose the sources of power generation when deciding which generation sources to dispatch. Energy Information Administration. None of our employees are currently parties to collective bargaining agreements. Specifically, the guidance differentiates between waters where the agencies will categorically assert minergate litecoin pool address buy ethereum on circle, and waters where the agencies coinbase how to sell bitcoin atm cost assert jurisdiction on a case-by-case basis after a fact-specific "significant nexus analysis. We will need to undertake various remedial actions before we can be reasonably assured that our internal controls and disclosure controls and procedures will be effective. We have a team of experienced sales, marketing and customer service individuals. The issuance and renewal of permits for the discharge of pollutants to waters that have been designated as "high quality" are subject to anti-degradation review that may increase the cost, time and difficulty associated with obtaining and complying with NPDES permits. The authorization, permitting and implementation requirements imposed by federal, state and local authorities may be costly and time consuming and may delay commencement or continuation of mining operations. The recent global economic downturn, particularly with respect to the U. When we acquired the Spring Creek mine inthe contract had been amended to allow the mine to meet its delivery usd zcash pound to bitcoin from long-term cloud peak antelope mine eis code 12 windows 10 mining rig contracts entered into with two separate mines one of which was the Jacobs Ranch mine which we subsequently acquired in and sold in We also require capital for, among other purposes, acquisition of surface rights, equipment and the development of our mining operations, capital renovations, maintenance and expansions of plants and equipment and compliance with environmental laws and regulations. We will seek to control our costs by continuing to improve our operating efficiency. Considerable uncertainty is associated with these air emissions initiatives. Broker Sales and Third-Party Sources. The loss of any of our cannot verify address with coinbase does coinbase operate internationally senior executives could have a material adverse effect on our business unless and until we find a qualified replacement. Congress is actively considering various proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mandate electricity suppliers to use renewable energy sources to generate a certain percentage of power, and require energy efficiency measures.

Weather patterns can also greatly affect electricity demand. Any adjustment or renegotiations leading to a significantly lower contract price could result in decreased revenues. The contract prices we may receive in the future for coal depend upon numerous factors beyond our control, including: Our coal customers primarily use our coal as fuel for domestic electricity generation. If we are unable to maintain our "good payor" status, we would be required to seek bonding for any remaining payments. Recent low prices for natural gas, which is a substitute for coal generated power, may also lead to continued decreased coal consumption by electricity-generating utilities. Some contracts stipulate that this tonnage can be made up by mutual agreement or at the discretion of the buyer. We historically relied on various Rio Tinto supply contracts to obtain some of our key raw materials and consumables. As a public company, our future success also will depend on our ability to hire and retain management with public company experience. Changes in purchasing patterns in the coal industry may make it difficult for us to enter into new contracts with customers, or do so on favorable terms, which could materially and adversely affect our business and results of operations. The PRB has benefited from this switching and its market share has increased accordingly.

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